How to find us ?

Our location on the outskirts of Cheddar village.

General postcode area : BS27 3DR     This will take you to the postcode area. Please follow the instructions below to find the Cheddar Steam Club site entrance.        

What 3 words : Snug.Dares.Noises This will take you directly to the Cheddar Steam Club site entrance.

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd can be found on the edge of Cheddar village some 8 miles from the M5 and 15 miles south of Bristol.

From the A371, turn onto the B3151 (Lower New Road) and then immediately turn into Sharpham Road. You are nearly there! At the end of Sharpham Road bear left into Middle Moor Lane. We are situated behind the Sentinor building.

Please do not use the entrance signposted Sentinor.

Go down Middle Moor Lane, passing the Sentinor building on your right.

The club lake and railway are accessed by it’s own entrance approximately 100 metres down the lane on the right hand side. It is the first gap in the hedgerow on the right that you will encounter.