Health and Safety Policy

Statement of Intent:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its members, visitors, the public and any other persons affected by its activities. Although many areas of its activities fall outside of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, its committee considers it good practice, where practicable, to provide the same level protection.

This policy applies to all CSC members, members of the public, guests and visitors.


·       Risk Assessment: The process whereby hazards and risks are evaluated alongside controls designed to reduce the risk.

·       Reasonably Practicable: The process of balancing time, cost and effort against the reduction in risk achieved.

·       Duty of Care: The general duty placed on all members of the club to take reasonable care of themselves and others

·       Young Persons: Any person who has not reached the age of eighteen

Roles and responsibilities:

The Chairman together with the Health & Safety Officer have overall responsibility for Health and Safety for Cheddar Steam Club Ltd.

The Committee also have a joint responsibility for/to:

·       Demonstrate commitment to Health and Safety leadership.

·       Ensuring that structures exist for the management of Health and Safety.

·       Ensuring the risk management strategy is in place to support the Health and Safety arrangements.

·       Ensuring that adequate financial, material and physical resources are identified to mitigate risks.

·       Monitoring the reporting of incidents and accidents, including those required to be reported under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).

·    Ensure risk assessments are documented and that suitable controls are in place

      to manage identified risks before rectification.

·       Ensuring emergency procedures are communicated to all members.

·       Creating and encouraging a positive safety culture, supporting the reporting of incidents and concerns over safety.

·       Ensuring that all accidents, incidents and near misses are reported and investigated according and that appropriate action is taken to prevent a reoccurrence.

·       Ensuring that where appropriate, all members receive appropriate training, information, instruction and supervision.

·       Ensuring that approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is made available, used, maintained and replaced as necessary.

·       Ensuring that all guests and visitors brought on site behave safely.

·       Ensuring all equipment has pre use checks conducted against it and that all defective equipment is clearly identified, taken out of service if necessary and reported for repair.

All Members:

All members have a responsibility and a ‘Duty of Care’ to act safely, to prevent injury or harm to themselves, fellow members and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. All members are required to comply with this policy and are to:

·       Comply with all risk assessments findings and safe systems of work.

·       Report any incident, accident, untoward occurrence, near miss, security concern, or potential risk which has or may lead to injury or damage.

·       Use equipment correctly, and not interfere with safety mechanisms, guards or anything provided for the safety of members and others.

·       Ensure that any tool and any equipment brought onto site are maintained in a condition not to present a safety hazard to others.

·       Correctly wear, maintain and store PPE.

·       Undertake instruction or safety training as required.

Safe access to Premises:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to ensure safe access and egress from the site, including during emergency situations for members and visitors alike. It satisfies those duties through:

·       Provision of suitable access and car parking.

·       Provision of maintenance and housekeeping.

Accidents and Incidents:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to investigate accidents and incidents as well as report those that are so required in accordance with RIDDOR. It satisfies those duties by:

·       Investigating incidents leading to remedial actions.

·       Investigation of serious incidents and near misses.

·       Reviewing incidents and investigations at committee meetings.


Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its awareness of the hazards caused by asbestos. This is achieved by:

·       Not permitting the removal and disposal of any asbestos material on site.

·       Proceeding with caution and seeking expert guidance if the presence of asbestos is suspected.

·       Carrying out risk assessments as appropriate.

Electrical Safety:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to safely manage electricity, electrical supplies and equipment. This is achieved by:

·       The use of competent, qualified, trained and experienced contractors and maintenance personnel to conduct specialist work involving electricity;

·       Carrying out Portable Appliance Testing (PAT).

·       Promote safety methods such as the use of Residual Current Detection (RCD) and Low voltage or battery powered tools.

Fire Safety:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to manage fire risks. This is achieved by:

·       The provision of Fire Extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment.

Hazardous Substances:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to control hazardous substances in accordance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations satisfies those duties by:

·       Displaying signs outside the store for petrol, and outside the space between the buildings for LPG.

First Aid:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to provide basic first aid equipment on site. Satisfies those duties by:

·       Provision of emergency first aid kits.

Lone Working:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges the risks of lone working it satisfies that duty by:

·       Discouraging lone working and activities of any kind.

Machinery, Tools and Equipment:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to purchase, install, use, repair, maintain and inspect its machinery, tools and equipment. It satisfies these duties by:

·       Risk assessing the operation of machinery.

·       Implementing maintenance systems for tools and machinery.


Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to manage exposure to noise. It satisfies those duties by;

·       Providing hearing protection with correct levels of sound attenuation.

·       Providing mandatory and temporary warning signs as appropriate.

Personal Protective Equip (PPE):

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to inform members of any requirements for PPE.  It satisfies those duties by:

·       Ensuring members provide and use their own PPE:

·       Where required, provide PPE identified by risk assessments.

·       Audit and inspection of PPE.


Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to manage the waste that it produces. It satisfies this by:

·       Providing facilities for disposal of waste.

Young Persons:

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd acknowledges its duty to protect young persons. It satisfies those duties by:

·       Provision of competent supervision. 

Cheddar Steam Club Ltd Committee December 2022.

How we manage our risks